

Cellist and composer

Events in coming

Loans of 3 cellos to young hopefuls

Your cello is no longer played……Lend it through us.
Discover the cellos on loan !

Improve Bazelaire website

Take part in its construction by bringing us any document on Bazelaire or Bazelaires students.

Creation of a new part of the exposition of Bazelaire

About the historical “Ensemble Bazelaire” and the current one.

Trying to find a new place for the "Bazelaire Room"

To replace the ancient one, destroyed by the city of Sedan.

Continue the traveling exposition

Continue to propose the exposition in every educative or musical places.

Traveling exposition


Install the traveling exposition in your place

On this page, all of the exposition that the city of Sedan and the association “Les Amis de Paul BAZELAIRE” can lend to your organisation.
The exposition is composed with 12 pannels. 3 of them are about musical life in Sedan.

Last opinion left on the Golden Book of Paul Bazelaire website

STUPÉFIANT ! Mon professeur, lui-même élève de Maurice Maréchal, avait omis de dévoiler l'ampleur du Musicien P.Bazelaire! Je la découvre grâce à la revue Le Violoncelle après 40 ans de vie musicale. Travail et recherche magnifiques. Tenez moi au courant. D'avance, merci.
Pascal Pallastrelli, Cello solo Teatro Regio Torino
avis laissé le 26/09/2011