Eminent pedagogue

(One of Paul Bazelaire’s
favourite objects)
Named Professor at the Paris Conservatory in 1918 at the age of 32, remarkable pedagogue, he devotes himself passionately to teaching the cello and numerous students come to follow his instruction.
Photo Below : Paul Bazelaire and his cello class at the Salle Gaveau.

– renovated and codified the technique of his instrument.
-created in 1948 a class of pedagogy at the Conservatory.
-writes several important treatises and books on the relationship between technique and interpretation.
– gives to the modern French cello school such an immense impetus that students formed in his class have carried his instruction throughout the world and particularly in America, England, Brazil, Japan, Holland, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Algeria, Greece, Switzerland, Poland, Rumania, Norway, Morocco , Australia.
One can only name Pierre Fournier, Bernard Michelin, Reine Flachot, Guy Fallot, Roger Albin, Genevieve Martinet and so many others, all eminent virtuosos whose successes reflect back on their spiritual father.
Consult the souvenirs of Marianne HUNT, Professor at the Melbourne Conservatory and those of Jean THIN, amateur cellist.
With this link, you can read the Lesson Notes of Paul COUTAN, student of Bazelaire between 1929 and 193?
If you recognize yourself or someone from your family on this photo taken Salle Gaveau, please send us your address and other information to PAUL BAZELAIRE@wannadoo.fr indicating where you (or your family member) are located on the picture. We will then contact you to hear about your impressions of your former teacher. ) From 1926 to 1956, nearly one out of every two cellists who received a 1st prize at the Paris Conservatory were students of Paul Bazelaire. Finally, With the exception of certain lapses or inaccuracies which we would be grateful that you correct and inform us thereof, the students of Paul Bazelaire are entitled to their own page on this website ; please click on the link :<