Traveling exposition "Paul Bazelaire"

On this page, all of the exposition that the city of Sedan and the association “Les Amis de Paul BAZELAIRE” can lend to your organisation.
The exposition is composed with 12 pannels. 3 of them are about musical life in Sedan.

To consult the exposition in PDF, click on pictures.
Be patient, it will be better to read it…

To have this exposition

  • Make sure to ensure this exposition (5 000€ value)
  • Transports costs are at your charge.
    • + a symbolic rental according to each budgets.
  • Sign the provision contract.

Showcases photographs

In addition to the panels, the BAZELAIRE exhibition included many showcases pictured below.
Original documents drawn from the BAZELAIRE collection of the SEDAN Media Library can be loaned under certain conditions.

Recommanded material

2 computers with loudspeakers, one to accommodate the CD “Juke-Baz” on which is engraved the partial discography of Paul BAZELAIRE.
This CD turns in a loop with choice of pieces on demand by mouse.

The other computer can accommodate the cd of the French BAZELAIRE site with its search engine.

Musical life in Sedan

the last 3 panels about musical life in Sedan :